No tarmac required - the awesome benefits of trail running!
Trail running at sunset
I had traditionally always run on roads, with the occasionally deviation through some woodland. It always felt the most convenient thing to do, I was running on autopilot and my trainers were not built for trails. Fast forward to some injury woes… in my mind I was beginning to get the feeling that by running on softer ground such as trails it would be more forgiving on my body and would help my running longevity. My wife spotted a newly formed trail running group on Facebook and I thought I would give it a shot and since my first outing I have never looked back.
I do run on roads but my go to running space is trails. When starting out on trails I found myself having a new perspective on my surroundings, the air was cleaner and I soon began to witness much more closely the changing of the seasons, daylight patterns, birdsong and the tremendous feeling of being free from people – a huge luxury in today’s life.
There are undoubtedly huge mental health benefits of running and exercise. When you are on the trails you have to concentrate much harder on what you are doing, whether choosing a path round an obstacle, avoiding slippery areas, dodging brambles etc and the result of this is that you are much more in the moment. You switch off from life’s challenges naturally because if you don’t concentrate on what you are doing you could take a tumble!
The varied terrain of trails means you begin to build up new muscle groups as your feet acclimatise to the paths, grass, mud etc. The hills are good for you and you don’t need to run them! You can take your time and take it what is around you. Hills are always beneficial to your running journey and I have come to embrace them.
Why not incorporate a route with a great view? Stop and take it all in? I will often build a café or coffee van into the end of my route a reward for my hard work and it certainly incentivises me if I am not in a rush during the week. Now the days are getting longer you get to experience awesome sunsets and sun rises.
You could join your local Parkrun as a taster, it is brilliant inclusive community and adds some fun and accountability. Other running groups can show you routes and if you are struggling with motivation, chatting with others can make the miles fly by. You can meet new people, pick up running tips and with an added element of accountability to keep you motivated and consistent.
Trails add an element of fun and adventure that I think roads and pavements cannot offer.